Jonathan Yeo, sculpting a Bronze statue in VR

Artist Jonathan Yeo used 3D scanning and virtual reality painting app Tilt Brush to create his latest self-portrait, which he then cast in bronze. In this behind-the-scenes video, he explains how he used these new tools to create the sculpture. “For the last 18 months, […]

Soft fabric sensors

This textile-based sensor effectively registers fine motor movements of the human body, taking researchers one step closer to creating soft, wearable robots. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University For more information, please visit: A team of researchers at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and […]

Tung Chiang – director of Heath Ceramics

A documentary from Jake Strangel featuring Tung Chiang, the clay studio director of Heath Ceramics in San Francisco. “I met Tung four years ago when I was commissioned to take his portrait for AFAR Magazine. We had a pretty instant connection, and mutual curiosity and admiration […]

The China diaries by Moment

If you are interested in product development and manufacturing, take a moment to check the China Diaries by Moment. It’s a series of short films explaining some of the necessary steps test and tools necessary to produce, assemble and package their latest Kickstarter successfully funded […]